Our Why
In 2015, the world united at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit to ensure that every child receives an inclusive, equitable, and quality education and to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030. However, despite these good intentions, nearly 75% of the world’s children are not on track to achieve this goal. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) remain unattainable for nearly one billion children worldwide.
Unfortunately, the education systems in least-developed countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, fail our children the most. In this region, only 25% of preschoolers attend early education centers, which puts them years behind their age-mates in other countries. Moreover, less than half of the students complete primary school, and only a quarter of those who attend secondary school even complete those studies. For those who do attend school, the student-to-teacher ratio is often too high for students to receive the attention they need. Additionally, around 1 in every 3 teachers does not have adequate pedagogical training to teach pre-primary and primary school children.
For sub-Saharan Africa, a region where the majority of the population is youth and children, poor education leads to unemployment, poverty, idleness, and crime. As a result, living standards remain low, and national economies stagnate. This all stems from broken educational systems.
Fount of Education International (FEDU) believes that every child has the right to quality education, regardless of their socio-economic status.
FEDU aims to create a quality and equitable environment that fosters the development of knowledge, moral, intellectual, and physical values that are essential for every child to thrive in their community.
We at FEDU understand that we are a local component of a global effort to achieve SDG 4 by the year 2030. As such, we are committed to providing access to quality education to the most vulnerable children, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa. We believe that our efforts will contribute to the global goal of ensuring that every child has the opportunity to receive inclusive, equitable, and quality education.
We envision a world where quality, equitable and holistic education is a reality for all.
A place where students are equipped with 21st-century skills.
A space with gender balance and equal opportunity without discrimination.
An environment of experiential and integrated learning that facilitates personal development.